Page:Mexico's dilemma.djvu/228

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commission or office for which any emolument is received without previous permission of the respective House; in the event of their accepting such commission or office they shall forthwith lose their representative character for such time as they shall hold such appointive office. The same provision shall apply to alternate Representatives and Senators, when in active service. The violation of this provision shall be punished by forfeiture of the office of Representative or Senator.

Art. 63. The Houses shall not open their sessions nor exercise their functions without a quorum, in the Senate of two-thirds, and in the House of Representatives of a majority of the total membership; but the members present of either House shall meet on the day appointed by law and compel the attendance of the absentees within the next thirty days, and they shall warn them that failure to comply with this provision shall be taken to be a refusal of office, and the corresponding alternates shall be summoned forthwith; the latter shall have a similar period within which to present themselves, and on their failure to do so the seats shall be declared vacant and new elections called.

Representatives or Senators who shall be absent during ten consecutive days without proper cause or without leave of the President of the respective House, notice of which shall be duly communicated to the House, shall be understood as