7.— Trade, |
10.— Transportation, |
Some committees would be of more immediate importance than others, but time would be saved for the future by appointing the most of them at once and getting their work started. Interest among merchants, manufacturers and financiers in the United States toward Mexico, although latent now, is widespread and will become active as soon as the European war closes or the situation clears further in Mexico.
Suitable rooms will be secured and kept open daily, making this a common meeting place for members and visitors, with facilities for reading and writing. Space could be provided and let for foreign and native exhibits and samples.
Membership and Dues
The membership, limited to Americans, to be made up of these classes:
Members | Entrance Fee | Quarterly Dues | Vote | ||
Active | Corporate | 100pesos | 25pesos | 2 | |
Individual | 50" | 12.50" | 1 | ||
Associate Resident | 25 " | 6.25" | None | ||
Associate | Corporate | 50 " | 12.50" | None | |
Non-Resident | Individual | 25 " | 6.25 " | None |
Active members may be either resident or nonresident.