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Page:Mexico, Aztec, Spanish and Republican, Vol 1.djvu/16

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Humboldt, Essai Politique sur la
Nouvelle Espagne.
Poinsett's Notes on Mexico.
Bullock's Mexico.
Lieut. Hardy's Journey in Mexico.
Ward's Mexico in 1827.
Folsom's Mexico in 1842.
Mühlenpfordt—Die Republik
Mejico en 1842, por Luis Manuel
de Rivero.
Mexico as it Was and as it Is, 1844.
Ensayo sobre el verdadero estado
de la cuestion social y politica
que se agita en la Republica
Mejicana, por Otero, 1842.
Madame Calderon de la Barca's
Life in Mexico.
Kennedy's Texas.
Emory, Abert, Cooke and Johns-
ton—Journals in New Mexico
and California—1848.
Frémont's Expeditions, 1842-'3-'4.
Frémont's California, 1848.
T. Butler King's Report on Cali-
fornia, 1850.
W. Carey Jones's do. do. 1850.
Executive documents in relation
to California, 1850.
Forbes's California.
Kendall's Santa Fé Expedition.
Wilkes's Exploring Expedition.
Wise—Los Gringos.
Ruxton's Travels in Mexico, &c.
Norman's Rambles in Yucatan.
""in Mexico.
Gregg's Commerce of the Prairies.
Dr. Wislizenius's Memoir on New
Stephens's Central America.
Gama—Piedras Antiguas de Me-
El Museo Mejicano.

Isidro R. Gondra's Notes on Mexi-
can Antiquities, in the 3rd vol.
(with plates) of the Mexican
translation of Prescott.
Nebel—Voyage Arquéologique et
Pittoresque en Mexique.
Memoir of the Mexican Minister
of Foreign and Domestic Af-
fairs on the condition of the
country in1846.
Idem in1849.
Memoir of the Mexican Minister
of War, 1844.
Idem in 1846.
Idem in 1849.
Memoir of the Mexican Minister
of Finance on the condition of
the Treasury, 1841.
Idem in 1846.
Idem in 1848.
Idem in 1849.
Memoir on the Agriculture and
Manufactures of Mexico, by Don
Lucas Alaman, 1843.
Memoir on the Liquidation of the
National Debt, by Alaman, 1845.
Noticias Estadisticas del Estado
de Chihuahua, 1834.
Noticias Estadisticas sobre el De-
partamento de Queretaro, 1845.
Nos. 1, 2, 3, Boletin del Instituto
Nacional de Geografia y Esta-
distica, 1839-1849.
Collecion de documentos relativos
al departamento de Californias,
El Observador Judicial de Mejico.
Semanario de la Industria Meji-
El Mosaico Mejicano.
Journal des Economistes.
Lyell's Geology.
Lerdo—Consideraciones sobre la
condicion social y politica de
la Republica Mejicana en 1847.