Page:Mexico, picturesque, political, progressive.djvu/80

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at fourteen or sixteen, were bright, active fellows, proud of the school, self-respecting without being conceited, and as well bred as young gentlemen anywhere could be. Nearly all spoke more or less English; but, as the last four years' courses are conducted entirely in French, they use that language with an ease and perfection of accent that leaves one in doubt as to their nationality. Perhaps some tacit jealousy prevents their honoring the speech of their next neighbor and whilom conqueror with a place in the curriculum; but it will be strange if this little pique long outlasts the advent of the railroad. The pleasure of the young men in showing their school was only equalled by their enjoyment of our appreciation, and both made a happy mixture of genuine enthusiasm. A fencing-bout given for our entertainment showed extraordinary skill, and I couldn't help wishing the dear sophomore at home might see what Southern vivacity could ingraft on Northern science. It is hard to confess, but—Harvard would be obliged to go to the wall.

The world here, the novel, picturesque world, which seems to belong to some other solar system than ours, leaves such an impression of absolute