the fruits of Tierra caliente, and those of the Table-land.
Indeed, I do not consider it essential to make even this distinction, as the simplest mode of conveying an idea of the agricultural wealth of Mexico, will be to give a precis of the most important productions, mentioning the characteristics of each, and the parts of the country in which its cultivation has been most attended to.
I shall begin with those which are essential to the subsistence of the inhabitants, amongst the most important of which is Indian corn.
(Mexican—Tlaouili—Haytian—Mahiz—Blé Turc—Indian corn)
There are few parts, either of the Tierra caliente, or of the Table-land, in which Maize is not cultivated with success. In the low hot grounds upon the coast, and on the slope of the Cordillera, its growth is more colossal than on the Table-land; but even there, at seven and eight thousand feet above the level of the sea, its fecundity is such as will hardly be credited in Europe. In some particularly favoured spots, it has been known to produce eight hundred fanegas for one sown; and wherever irrigation is practicable, from three to four hundred for one is the ordinary ratio of increase. Where the crop depends upon the season, it is more variable,