activity. The number of mules and horses employed in the drainage was 3,100; in addition to which there were about 400 more used merely in the conveyance of ores from the mines. The weekly expences of the Valenciana mine alone, which is regarded as the principal undertaking of the Company, were about 1,200l.; the whole outlay upon it, in September 1826, was 134,452l.: but then the produce of the Valenciana, from 1788 to 1810, when the works were stopped by the Revolution, averaged 1,446,067 dollars (or 289,213l/.) per annum; so that the investment is by no means disproportioned to the extent and importance of the object in view.
What I have stated, with regard to the three Companies already mentioned, is applicable to all the rest.
The outlay of the United Mexican Company is distributed amongst the principal mines of most of the principal districts, in all of which the preliminary works have been brought nearly to a conclusion, Haciendas built, and the necessary preparations made, at a very great expence, for carrying on operations upon a large scale. On the great mine of Rayas alone nearly 100,000l. have been expended. On the Veins of El Păvĕllōn, and La Veta Negra, at Sŏmbrĕrētĕ, at least an equal sum has been employed; as much more has been sunk in the mines of San Ăcāsĭŏ and San Bĕrnăbē, at Zăcătēcăs; but all these are undertakings of great promise, and upon so large a scale, that success, in any one, would repay