the whole negotiation, by concentrating the water from both veins at the shaft of San Pedro, which will be sunk for the purpose to the depth of 500 varas. This will be sufficient to carry the deepest part of the shaft below the lowest levels of the Pavellon, while, from the vicinity of the two lodes, and the manner in which the water already passes from one to the other in the deeper workings, a cross-cut, (or Sangria,) will be all that is necessary in order to ensure a regular communication. The whole drainage will, in this case, not require more than eight mălăcātĕs, for which, should the present experiment lead to more permanent works, a steam-winding, or pumping-engine, may be substituted.
The outlay of the Company at Sŏmbrĕrētĕ, in 1826, amounted to nearly 500,000 dollars. With this, the whole of the mines mentioned in the preceding pages had been cleared of water, and retimbered where necessary; three new shafts sunk, (La Concordia, San Luis, and El Carmen, which last was intended merely for the extraction of rubbish from the old workings of the Pavellon;) two Haciendas de Beneficio put into complete repair; and so large a stock laid in of maize, wood, horses, and every other necessary, that it was thought that during the whole ensuing year but few additions would be required. In every department, Mr. Anitua's exertions appeared to have been indefatigable; and as, from his long experience in mines, he looked into every thing himself, and understood every thing