Mexico, according to the price borne by European manufactures in those two great depôts.
The territory of Durango is divided into ten "Partidos," or districts,[1] the names and situations of which are given in the map with as much accuracy as the total want of statistical data will admit of. There is as yet no general survey, or map of the State, in existence; and as the gentleman whom I recommended to the Governor for the purpose, on my return to Mexico, and to whom very liberal terms were offered by the Legislature, was prevented by family circumstances from accepting the engagement, but little has yet been done towards correcting the errors, with which all the returns hitherto published abound.
The State is well supplied with all the necessaries of life. Maize seldom rises above twelve reals the fanega, and is often as low as seven. Flour varies from ten to twelve and fourteen dollars the carga. Fruits and vegetables of all kinds abound, particularly peaches and potatoes, for both of which Durango enjoys a sort of celebrity. Mules are bought in "Partida," (wholesale,) at eighteen dollars each. Horses at eight and nine dollars. A fat ox or cow is sold for twelve dollars; and sheep may be purchased for one dollar, at the season when the great flocks from New Mexico come down, on their way
- ↑ 1. Durango. 2. Nombre de Dios. 3. San Juan del Rio. 4. Cinco Señores de Nazas. 5. Cuencame. 6. El Oro. 7. Indee. 8. Papasquiaro. 9. Tamasula. 10. Guarisamey.