space between the foot of the mountains and the ocean. To the North of Cĭnăloă Sŏnōră commences, and embraces the whole space from the shore`s of the Gulf of California to the confines of Durango and Chihuahua, upon the Table-land, (between twenty-seven and thirty-four of North latitude,) comprehending in this vast extent of country almost every possible modification of climate, the heat being varied in proportion as the platforms are more or less raised above the level of the sea. A much less degree of elevation is however required in these Northern latitudes to produce that temperate climate, which is found to be most conducive to the fertility of the soil, and the comforts of the inhabitants; and a rise of a few hundred feet is sufficient to give to Arispe, and the districts in its vicinity, the temperature, which the towns within the Tropics only enjoy at a height of from four to seven thousand feet.
The principal mining districts of Durango are those of Gavĭlānĕs, Gūārĭsămĕy, and Săn Dīmăs, Tămăsulă, Cănēlăs, and Sĭānŏrĭ; (all of which are situated towards the Western boundary of the State, upon the descent from the Sierra Madre to the Coast;) with Guănăsĕvī, Ĭndēĕ, El Oro, Cuēncămē, and Măpĭmī, to the Eastward of the Sierra Madre, and differing from those first mentioned, not less in the quality of their ores, (which are poor, but extremely abundant, and intermixed with lead.) than in their elevation above the level of the sea.