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Page:Mexico in 1827 Vol 2.djvu/631

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without passing through a single town, or Pueblo of any importance.

I have endeavoured to compress into this Section all the data now in my possession with respect to a part of Mexico, which, though least known, I am inclined to regard as the most interesting portion of the territories of the Republic. Its progress has been hitherto impeded by obstacles which no longer exist. Of its resources we possess only a very imperfect idea; but, should the details given in the preceding pages have the effect of attracting the attention of capitalists, and scientific men, I am convinced that a field will be opened to European enterprise superior in richness to any that the New World has yet presented.

In stating this I am far from wishing to encourage delusive hopes. Inquiry must precede speculation, or the errors will be repeated which have already proved so detrimental to the interests of the adventurers engaged in the mines of the Central States of New Spain. But the subject is of sufficient importance to merit attention; and attention, should it lead to ulterior projects, would, I am inclined to believe, be sufficient to ensure success.