History shows that throughout the whole career of Mexico as an independent nation except during the Diaz period, the Latin-Mexican element responsible for its government has never failed to attempt to violate any international agreement or obligation when it thought its interests would be served by such a course. The history of our patience and forbearance before the Mexican War reads like the story of the dealings between our Government and Mexico from the period in President Taft's administration, when revolutionary activities began, to the present time. The only difference is that we have secured even less satisfaction as the result of our policy of "patience" than was obtained previous to the Mexican War. In the meanwhile, these experiments with the lawless, dishonest, and criminal element represented by the Latin-Mexican governing class, have been paid for by the lives of hundreds of American citizens and the destruction of hundreds of millions of dollars' worth of American property.
Previous to the thirty-four years of orderly government enforced by Diaz few Americans resided in Mexico and little American capital had been invested there. But, encouraged by the law and order maintained by the Diaz government and by its invitations to invest in that country, our people had gone into Mexico in considerable numbers. It is estimated that at the beginning