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Page:Mexico under Carranza.djvu/209

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out to our authorities the error of their ways, so that in the days about to dawn they should not fall into the same errors, since it is unfair that the Mexican nation and people should suffer the consequences of the mistakes, whims and inefficiency of certain, short-visioned authorities.

"Peace has surprised some of the leaders of the Administration who believed that their star would not set so soon, that the struggle would be indefinitely prolonged, and that, at last, the might of Germany would impose itself upon the world. All these illusions have disappeared in thin air, and they are suddenly brought face to face with the present situation. Let them take up new positions, because the problems with which they are beset are about to be settled, the hour of reckoning has struck, and we must be collected in order to appear in a proper rôle. We earnestly hope for this on behalf of Mexico, so that there may not befall her, as on other occasions guilt which is solely imputable to a group of Mexicans blinded by pride and ambition."