Page:Mexico under Carranza.djvu/68

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Therefore the constitutionalist government will respect everybody's life, property and religious beliefs without other limitation than the preservation of public order and the observance of the institutions in accordance with the laws in force and the constitution of the republic.

"Hoping that I may have honoured your excellency's wishes, I avail myself of this opportunity to reiterate to you the assurances of my highest consideration

"E. Arredondo."

There was also included in the report to the Senate a letter from the Secretary of State to Mr. Arredondo, dated October 19, 1915, as follows:

"My Dear Mr. Arredondo:

It is my pleasure to inform you that the President of the United States takes this opportunity of extending recognition to the de facto government of Mexico, of which Gen. Venustiano Carranza is the chief executive.

"The Government of the United States will be pleased to receive formally in Washington a diplomatic representative of the de facto government as soon as it shall please General Carranza to designate and appoint such representative; and, reciprocally, the Government of the United States will accredit to the de facto government a diplomatic representative as soon as the President has had opportunity to designate such representative.