discipline, a qualification, a licence. —-This combination of concentration and decentralization does not solve all organizational problems. But it emphasizes base-building and fresh thinking and moves our groups beyond hollow bureaucratic shells. —The social power, the multiplied productive force, which arises through the co-operation of different individuals as it is determined by the division of labor, appears to these individuals, since their co-operation is not voluntary but has come about naturally, not as their own united power, but as an alien force existing outside them, of the origin and goal of which they are ignorant, which they thus cannot control, which on the contrary passes through a peculiar series of phases and stages independent of the will and the action of man, nay even being the prime governor of these. Wage laborers reproduce the state, commodity production and the division of labor in the very act of reproducing themselves. —'Workers' Council power' exists therefore in our country in the sense that the Party leaders govern the country in the name of the Workers' Councils.
It is not enough merely to destroy the institutions of monopoly capitalism. Pernicious ideas—(“The aim of the revolution is the well-being of the greatest number; therefore, if this goal has not been achieved, if the people have not found the better life that they were seeking, then the revolution is not over, even though those who want only to substitute their own rule for somebody else's say that it is over, as you would expect them to. If the revolution is really over, then it has been nothing but a great crime.")—pernicious ideas and habits engrained in the culture, after centuries of life under capitalism, must be struggled against, defeated and struggled against once more. To do otherwise—for the people to relax their vigilance—is to surrender the people's revolution to the control of class enemies in whatever guise. —To say that 'all nationalism is reactionary'—("It is, incidentally, true of every nation that obstinate nationalism is now to be found only among the bourgeoisie and their writers.")—is objectively to ally with imperialism in opposition to the struggles of the oppressed nations. —One of the most disastrous consequences of the political line of this faction has been their refusal to join in and build a united front against imperialism's aggression. Disastrous for several reasons, the most basic being failure to understand the tactics and responsibilities of socialist internationalism, the responsibility to fight for the leading role of the anti-imperialist working class organizations. —Here is the poison that makes their ideas so dangerous and serves the ends of everything standing in the way of revolutionary nationalism and the triumph of