Page:Michelin guide to the British Isles - 1913.djvu/551

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Learn the Advertising


A LARGE number of business firms in England to-day—many of A them very wealthy firms—are seeking men for responsible and highly-paid positions.

These posts they cannot fill from their regular staff, because the demand is for trained men—men trained in the principles of the Advertising Profession.

Advertising has taken the business world by storm. That is why the demand for advertising men is so urgent and so incessant.

A business man can no more succeed to-day, without advertising, than a steam engine can work without steam.

The demand for trained advertising men exceeds the supply by ten to one, and there seems no likelihood of the demand diminishing. Indeed, it is rapidly increasing.

The trained advertising man is recognised by the heads of manufacturing and trading concerns as of paramount importance.

Advertisement writers to-day control the destinies of huge business concerns. Most of these positions are held by young men and young women—men and women who felt they were worth something better than mere drudgery; who, fired by their ambition to rise, seized the opportunity of entering this pleasant and lucrative profession.

Business men are searching far and wide for trained advertisement writers; the demand is not only great—it is urgent.

The British School of Advertising differs from all other educational institutions, as it is under the control of men engaged in practical advertising—men who at the present moment are carrying on some of the largest and most successful campaigns.

The laws which govern the science of publicity are clearly explained, and the student is taken by easy stages through the whole theory and practice of advertising. But advertising as taught by the British School is not hidebound in theoretic principles; it is based on the experience the examiners have had in a hundred successful English campaigns.

Finally, the interest of the British School of Advertising does not end when the student has completed the course. The principals, being actively engaged in controlling the advertising of some of the wealthiest English firms, are in a position to recommend trained men to responsible positions as Advertising Managers.

The Prospectus of the School will be sent Post Free on application.

IMPORTANT.—We will gladly put business firms into touch with promising young men.