Page:Michelin guide to the British Isles - 1913.djvu/783

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see Index and Table of Contents at the end of the Volume.


Administrative formalities which must be fulfilled by the owner of an automobile.


No Person may drive a motor car, cycle car or motor cycle unless holding a license.

This driving license must be produced when demanded by police constable, to a fine not exceeding £5. A licence shall be valid for twelve months from the date on which it was granted, after which period it shall be renewable.

A Person who desires to obtain the grant or renewal of a license shall apply to the Council of Country or County Borough in which he resides[1] at least one month before the date on the licence is to take effect, and furnish the particulars set out in Form A or Form B, as the case requires.

FORM A(Application for License).

County [or County Bough] of

(1)Full name of applicant; (2) postal address of residence of applicant; (3) whether application is for license to drive a motor car, or for license limited to driving motor cycles; (4) whether applicant is less than fourteen years of age[2] (5) whether applicant is the holder of a licence, or has at any time previously been the holder of a licence which the applicant is the holder of a license, or has at any time previously been the holder of a license; (6) Particulars of any license which the applicant holds or has previously held; (7) particulars of any endorsement on any license which holds or has previously held; (8) whether applicant has any time been disqualified for obtaining a licence, if so, particulars as to the Court, by whom, the date on which, and the period for which the disqualification was imposed; signature of applicant; date of application.

FORM B(Application for Renewal of License).

County [or County Bough] of

(1) Number of licence; (2) postal address of residence of applicant; (3) whether applicant has, since date of last grant or renewal of the license; signature of applicant; date of application

A fee of 5/- shall be paid when applying for a license of renewal

In case of a license or renewal being lost or defaced, the Council may, on payment of a fee 1/-, issue a duplicate licence or renewal

The license may be suspended, for such time as the Court thinks fit, in case of any offence in connection with the driving of a motor car, other than a first or second offence, consisting of exceeding the speed limit.

  1. The county boroughs include only the large towns of the British Isles. Automobilists residing in a non-county borough, as well as those residing in urban and rural districts, must apply to the County Council and not to the Clerk to the Borough or District Council. In the County of London, the application must be made to the Clerk to the London County Council, Spring Gardens, S.W.
  2. Any person under the age of seventeen years shall be disqualified for obtaining a license, except that a license limited to driving motor cycles may be granted to a person over the age of fourteen years.
2 F