Page:Microscopicial researchers - Theodor Schwann - English Translation - 1947.pdf/253

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Where no other measurement is given, the figure represents the object magnified about 450 diameters, linear measurement.


Fig. 1. Parenchymatous cellular tissue, with cell-nuclei from an onion, magnified 290 times.

2. Matrix of the pollen of Rhipsalis salicornoides.

3. Do. do.

I am indebted to the kindness of Dr. Schleiden for the last two delineations.

4. Cells from the chorda dorsalis of Cyprinus erythrophthalmus.

5. Cartilage from the point of a branchial ray, from the same.

6. Cartilage from the middle of a branchial ray, from the same.

7. Cartilage from the root of a branchial ray, from the same.

8. Branchial cartilage from the larva of Rana esculenta.

9. Cranial cartilage (ethmoid bone) from the larva of Pelobates fuscus.

10. Cells from the crystalline lens of a foetal pig four inches long.

11. An isolated nucleus of the cells of the crystalline lens.

12. Cells from the crystalline lens of the same foetus, exhibiting their prolongation into the fibres of the lens.

13. Fibres from the innermost layers of the lens of a pike.

14. Cell from the epidermis of a species of grass.