Page:Middle Aged Love Stories (IA middleagedlove00bacorich).djvu/179

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so long ago: handsome, polite, younger then, and merrier perhaps, with his inimitable bow and the neat printed card:

M. Sylvestre Laroche,


Irregular Verbs a Specialty.

Conversation Classes Formed.

How she had admired him! She had felt sure that father would never have objected to his lodging there, recommended by Mr. Alden, too! How amusing he had been, how constantly cheerful; how exquisitely sympathetic when her sister died! She could not send him away then.

He had been so gentle, so thoughtful, so interested in all her small affairs, so forgetful of his own. How grateful he was for the slightest attendance when his terrible headaches weakened him for days, and how charmingly he had thanked her for what she had done! Hard