Page:Middle Aged Love Stories (IA middleagedlove00bacorich).djvu/262

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prolonged transaction of business details. But four days of unexplained absence had its effect upon their own little ménage; and when a week’s visit had been accomplished and their beseeching letters had elicited only vague postal cards explaining nothing, but suggesting their presence at the farm, they became convinced of the necessity for action on their part, and went, more or less in the presumable spirit of the mountain in search of the fractious Prophet.

Tired and cross after four hours’ travel on an incredibly hot 1st of April, they walked sternly up the board walk that led to the old-style porch, to be greeted by their cousin, who sat in snowy shirt-sleeves, tilted back in his chair against the house, smoking his fat, dark cigar.

“Welcome home, girls—glad to see you!” he called cheerily. “Here they are, Jule! Now don’t be afraid, but come right out and see them!”