Page:Middle Aged Love Stories (IA middleagedlove00bacorich).djvu/96

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which we show them, don’t we, Annabel?”

Annabel blushed, cast down her eyes, lifted them, showed her dimples, and replied in the words, if not in the accents, of Thompson: “Yes, sir!”

“It’s really going to be an education in itself, don’t you think so?” he continued. “It’s amazing how the people like it—it’s really quite gratifying. Perhaps it may be my mission to abolish the chromo and the tidy from off the face of New England! We have had crowds here—just to look at the pictures.”

“I don’t doubt it!” replied Miss Gould briefly.

“And I got the most attractive sugar-bowl from the little boy who brought in the reports about picking up papers and such things from the streets. He said he ought to have five cents, so I gave him a dime—I hadn’t five—and I bought the bowl. Annabel, my child, bring me—”