Page:Milady at Arms (1937).pdf/39

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"Well, I will tell ye!" Master Todd made a violent gesture, his usually mild face turning a dull purple in color. "I shot at the red-coats as I would at so many wild beasts. What right ha' they to invade our homes thus?"

"They but wanted water," murmured Sally accusingly.

"Name me no buts, maid!" retorted Master Todd. "They but wanted water this time," he added grimly. "What would they want the next time? Our homes, mayhap, our stock, our grain—the thieves!—that we work so hard to raise. Ruin follows upon the red o' their uniforms, ruin and danger! And so I waited and—shot at the varmints!"

"There, the wound is not so deep, Samuel! And I have it nicely bound. As soon as he recovers from the shock, 'twill not take the lad long to get upon his feet, though his arm, where the bullet clipped it, may be a little sore for a time." Mistress Todd interrupted her husband by getting to her feet and picking up the basin of water from which she had been bathing the boy's arm.

Master Todd strode over to the settle upon which he had placed the young British soldier when he had brought him into the kitchen. As he bent over the injured boy, the latter's eyes flew open. Instant fear leaped into their brown depths, and he shrank away. But Master Todd patted