Military Japanese
6. “When” or “at the time of” is expressed by adding toki to the verb:
Anata ga koko ni kimashita toki wa nan-gatsu deshita ka | What month was it when you came here? |
7. Type sentences:
Arukinasai | Walk! |
Buki wo watashinasai | Hand over your arms. |
Koko ni kakenasai | Sit down here. |
Shigaretto wo agemashō ka | Shall I give you a cigarette? |
Hai, kudasai | Yes, please give me. |
Doko de horyo ni narimashita ka | Where were you captured? |
Chizu de oshienasai | Show me on the map. |
Itsu horyo ni narimashita ka | When were you captured? |
Kinō no gogo deshita | It was yesterday afternoon. |
Nippon no nani ken desu ka | What prefecture in Japan are you from? |
Nani gun desu ka | What county? |
Nani mura | What village? |
Nippon no dare ni kore wo shirasemashō ka | Whom shall we notify of this in Japan? |
Himojii desu ka | Are you hungry? |
Mizu wo nomitai desu ka | Do you wish to drink some water? |
Hai | Yes |
Iie | No |
Tsukaremashita ka | Are you tired? |
Nan de koko ni kimashita ka | How (by what) did you come here? |
Aruite kimashita | I came walking. |
Dare to koko ni kimashita ka | With whom did you come here? |
Yamamoto Gochō to kimashita | I came with Corporal Yamamoto. |
Nippon no heitai wa mō koko ni orimasen ka | Are not the Japanese soldiers here now? |
Mo orimasen | They are not here any more. |
Nippon no heitai wa kochira e kimashō ka | Do you think the Japanese soldiers will come this way? |
Hai, kimashō | Yes, probably they will. |