Page:Minutes of the Immortal Six Hundred Society 1910.djvu/23

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Envelopes 2.00
Printing notice circulars of meeting 3.00
Stamps 1.00
Stamps February, March and April 2.30
Badges for sponsor and mail 4.50
For members and daughters 2.75
Typewriting 2.50
April stamps 1.00
Balance on hand $5.65

J. Ogden Murray

Secretary Immortal Six Hundred.


Mobile, Ala., April 26, 1910.

Election of officers of society for 1910-11. On motion of Comrade Haliburt the secretary was directed to cast the vote of the society for the old officers to serve 1910-11, which vote cast elected Capt. J. L. Hempstead, president; Capt. J. W. Mathews, first vice-president; Capt. T. C. Chandler, second vice-president; Maj. J. Ogden Murray, secretary and treasurer; Lieut. W. W. George and Maj. D. B. Coulter, color-bearers; Rev. Lieut. T. S. Armstead, chaplain. Executive committee: Capt. D. C Grayson, chairman; Capt. G. N. Albright, Lieut. E. Lee Bell, Capt. T. B. Martin, and Capt. B. D. Merchant. Adopted.

Capt. D. C. Grayson, on behalf of the donors and subscribers, Hon. Jas. B. McCreary, T. C. Chanler, D. C. Grayson, D. B. Coulter, J. H. Polk, E. D. Camden, J. Ogden Murray and Mr. C. Courtney, son of Comrade Thomas Pinckney, presented to the society a beautiful satin and gold banner. This banner and its inscription was suggested by Capt. E. D. Camden that we could explain why we were all titled soldiers of the Confederacy and not after the war colonels, but commissioned Confederate officers.

Comrade D. C. Grayson read the following paper:

My Dear Comrades: It is with feelings of profound gratitude to God that he has in His merciful providence permitted me to greet you once again in this fraternal association of comradeship and hallowed fellowship begotten by the mutual suffering we endured and the object of which is to perpetuate the immortal principles that animated and sustained us. We were the subjects of a most atro-