Page:Minutes of the Immortal Six Hundred Society 1910.djvu/26

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pendence, Mo., has rendered me much help with legal advice. All the work before Congress was done by myself. No one could help me except by letters of introduction and writing to their members, but I want to say all my old comrades have sent me their best wishes and written letters to their Congressmen which helped me in the work. This was all I could expect. I do honestly believe this bill can and will be passed at the next session of Congress. It is just and the people will recognize its justice. I presented books of the Immortal Six Hundred to President Taft and Hon. Wm. Warner, of Missouri, and I do know they read our side of the story.

After this statement by Secretary Murray a vote of thanks was tendered to the Senators and Members of Congress who aided our secretary in his efforts for the bill. On motion of Comrade Grayson, seconded by Comrade Bell, Secretary Murray was instructed to go on with the work and not change the bill in letter or spirit, no matter what compromise was offered to do so.

It was suggested by Comrade Grayson that all those legal heirs and representatives of the dead members of the Six Hundred be requested to aid in this work before Congress, which will benefit them and contribute to the cause.

Secretary Murray's work was approved by the society and a vote of thanks given him.

On motion of Secretary Murray a vote of thanks was given Hon. A. L. Keyser, House of Delegates, and Senators R. S. Parks and R. W, Ward, of the Virginia Legislature, for their aid in passing the following bill for the Immortal Six Hundred Monument Fund.

The heartfelt thanks of the Society of the Immortal Six Hundred survivors is hereby tendered Hon. A. L. Keyser and Senators R. S. Parks and R. W. Ward for their aid and work in passing the appropriation for the monument to the dead of the Virginia members of the Immortal Six Hundred, the men who died for principle's sake.


To appropriate $225 to Monument Fund of the Immortal Six Hundred Confederate Veterans.

Patron—Mr. Keyser.

Reported from Committee on Finance.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia, that the treasurer of the State of Virginia be, and is, hereby ordered and authorized to pay out of the