Page:Miscellaneous Writings.djvu/161

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Christians, and all true Scientists, marching under whatsoever ensign, come into the ranks! Again I repeat, person is not in the question of Christian Science. Principle, instead of person, is next to our hearts, on our lips, and in our lives. Our watchwords are Truth and Love; and if we abide in these, they will abound in us, and we shall be one in heart, — one in motive, purpose, pursuit. Abiding in Love, not one of you can be separated from me; and the sweet sense of journeying on together, doing unto others as ye would they should do unto you, conquers all opposition, surmounts all obstacles, and secures success. If you falter, or fail to fulfil this Golden Rule, though you should build to the heavens, you would build on sand.

Is it a cross to give one week's time and expense to the jubilee of Spirit? Then take this cross, and the crown with it. Sending forth currents of Truth, God's methods and means of healing, and so spreading the gospel of Love, is in itself an eternity of joy that outweighs an hour. Add one more noble offering to the unity of good, and so cement the bonds of Love.

With love,
Mary Baker Eddy.

To the College Association

Letter read at the meeting of the Massachusetts Metaphysical College Association, June 3, 1891.

To the Members of the Christian Scientists' Association of the Massachusetts Metaphysical College.

My Beloved Students: — You may be looking to see me in my accustomed place with you, but this you must no