Page:Miscellaneous Writings.djvu/167

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The First Church of Christ, Scientist, our prayer in stone, will be the prophecy fulfilled, the monument upreared, of Christian Science. It will speak to you of the Mother, and of your hearts' offering to her through whom was revealed to you God's all-power, all-presence, and all-science. This building begun, will go up, and no one can suffer from it, for no one can resist the power that is behind it; and against this church temple “the gates of hell” cannot prevail.

All loyal Christian Scientists hail with joy this proposed type of universal Love; not so, however, with error, which hates the bonds and methods of Truth, and shudders at the freedom, might, and majesty of Spirit, — even the annihilating law of Love.

I vindicate both the law of God and the laws of our land. I believe, — yea, I understand, — that with the spirit of Christ actuating all the parties concerned about the legal quibble, it can easily be corrected to the satisfaction of all. Let this be speedily done. Do not, I implore you, stain the early history of Christian Science by the impulses of human will and pride; but let the divine will and the nobility of human meekness rule this business transaction, in obedience to the law of Love and the laws of our land.

As the ambassador of Christ's teachings, I admonish you: Delay not longer to commence building our church in Boston; or else return every dollar that you yourselves declare you have had no legal authority for obtaining, to the several contributors, — and let them, not you, say what shall be done with their money.

Of our first church in Boston, O recording angel! write: God is in the midst of her: how beautiful are her