Page:Miscellaneous Writings.djvu/177

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and folds the sheep of His pasture; and their ears are attuned to His call In the words of the loving disciple, “My sheep hear my voice, . . . and they follow me; . . . neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.”

God is a consuming fire. He separates the dross from the gold, purifies the human character, through the furnace of affliction. Those who bear fruit He purgeth, that they may bear more fruit. Through the sacred law, He speaketh to the unfruitful in tones of Sinai: and, in the gospel, He saith of the barren fig-tree, “Cut it down; why cumbereth it the ground?”

God is our Father and our Mother, our Minister and the great Physician: He is man's only real relative on earth and in heaven. David sang, “Whom have I in heaven but thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee.”

Brother, sister, beloved in the Lord, knowest thou thyself, and art thou acquainted with God? If not, I pray thee as a Christian Scientist, delay not to make Him thy first acquaintance.

Glorious things are spoken of you in His Word. Ye are a chosen people, whose God is — what? Even All. May mercy and truth go before you: may the lamp of your life continually be full of oil, and you be wedded to the spiritual idea, Christ; then will you heal, and teach, and preach, on the ascending scale of everlasting Life and Love.

Affectionately yours in Christ,

Mary Baker Eddy.