Page:Miscellaneous Writings.djvu/193

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The material questions at this age on the reappearing of the infantile thought of God's man, are after the manner of a mother in the flesh, though their answers pertain to the spiritual Idea, as in Christian Science: —

Is he deformed?

He is wholly symmetrical; the one altogether lovely.

Is the babe a son, or daughter?

Both son and daughter: even the compound idea of all that resembles God.

How much does he weigh?

His substance outweighs the material world.

How old is he?

Of his days there is no beginning and no ending.

What is his name?

Christ Science.

Who are his parents, brothers, and sisters?

His Father and Mother are divine Life, Truth, and Love; and they who do the will of his Father are his brethren.

Is he heir to an estate?

“The government shall be upon his shoulder!” He has dominion over the whole earth; and in admiration of his origin, he exclaims, “I thank Thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that Thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes!”

Is he wonderful?

His works thus prove him. He giveth power, peace, and holiness; he exalteth the lowly; he giveth liberty