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consider that of Iberis, in which I can find no })eculiarity, as deviating from that structure.^

Luna HI A libyca of Viviani' is the second phmt of Cru- ciferae on which I have some observations to offer. This species was described and figured, by the author here quoted, in 18.24, from specimens cohected in 1817 by Delhi Ceha. The specimens in the herbarium were found near Tripoli, where the plant had also been observed in 1819 by ^Ir. llitchie, who referred it to Lunaria, and remarked that the calyx was persistent. Professor Sprengel, in his ' Systcma Vcgctaljihum,' considers it a species of Farsetia.

Tliat this phmt ought not to be associated cither with the original species of Lunaria, or with Savignya, as now constituted, is sufficiently evident. And if it is to be in- chided in Farsetia, it can only be on the grounds of its having a sessile silicule, with compressed valves, an inde- finite number of seeds in each cell, and accumbent cotyle- dons. But in these respects it accords equally with Meniocus, a genus proposed by ]\L Desvaux, and with some hesitation received by M. De Candolle, and with Schivereckia of Andrzejowski, which he has also adopted.


Savignya. De Cand. Sj/st. 2, p. 2S3. Lunaria) sp. DoUle. Desvaitx. Vkiani.

Char, Gen. Calyx basi lequalis ; ceslivationc valvata. Silicida oblonga, septo conform!, valvis convexiusculis. Semina biseriata imbricata margiuata. Coiyledones conduplicata,'.

Herba annua, glabra {quandoqiie pube vara simpUci). Folia cratsiuscula, in- feriora obovala in pdiolum atiemiata grosse dentala^ media scppe incisa, superiora Vmearia. Ilacemi opposilifolii, ebracleati. Tlores parvi erecli, jielalis violaceis venis saturaiioribus. Siliculne racemosce, divarical^r, inferiorcs sccpius dcjlcx^r.

Calyx ercctus, a^stivaiione valva(a, ipsis apicibus vix. imbricatis. " Pcfala unguiculata, laminis obovatis sub a^stivationc niutuo imbricatis. Stamina tlis- tincla, edcntula, singulum par longiorum y^//^^//^/^^ subquadrata cxius stipatum ; breviora, quantum e spcciminibus observarc licuit, eglandulosa. Ocariiim brcvissimc pcdiccllatum, ovulis adscendentibus nee liorizontalibns. Stylus brevis. Slir/ma capitatum vix bilol)um. SUicula brcvitcr manifestc tamou stipitata, oblonga nunc oblongo-cllii)tica. Valcuhc uninervia^rcticulato-vcnosie. ])isscpimentum c lamcllis duabus so])arabilibus unincrviis vcnis anastomozanli- bus obsolctis : arcolis subtransvcrsiin angustato-linearibus, parictibus (lubulis) rcctissubparallclis. Funiculi liorizontalcs, dimidio infcriorc scpto arete adiiato supcriore libcro.

- Flor. Lib. Specim.p. 31, tab. IG,/. 1.

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