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Magnoliaceæ and Dilleniaceæ appear to me to form two orders of one natural class. These orders are sufiiciently distinct from each other in most cases, both in fructification and habit; they are not, however, easily defined. The ovaria, which are indefinite in number, in the greater part of Magnoliaceæ, are also so in certain Dilleniaceæ; there are likewise examples in both orders, in which they are reduced to unity; and the stipulation of Magnoliaceæ exists in Wormia.

PITTOSPOREÆ.[1] Authors have generally been disposed to consider Pittosporum, Bursaria, and Billardiera, as belonging to Rhamneæ or Celastrinæ, from both of which they are certainly widely different; and they appear to me to constitute, along with some unpublished Australian genera, a very distinct natural family. Pittosporeæ form a small tribe chiefly belonging to Terra Australis, where most of them have been observed in the principal parallel; but certain species of all the published genera exist at the south end of Van Diemen's Island, and both Pittosporum and Bursaria are found within the tropic. Pittosporum, the only genus of the order which is not confined to Terra Australis, has the most extensive range in that country, and has been found in many other parts of the world, namely, New Zealand, Norfolk Island, the Society and Sandwich Islands, the Moluccas, in China, Japan, and even Madeira. It has not, however, been observed in any part of America.

POLYGALEÆ.[2] The curious observation of Richard,

  1. Pittosporeæ. Calyx 5 ph. (rarò 1-ph. 5-fid) æstivatione imbricata. Petala 5: unguibus conniventibus, nunc cohærentibus; laminis patulis, æstivatione imbricatis. Stamina 5, hypogyna, distincta, cum petalis alternantia. Ovarium loculis placentisve 2-5 polyspermis: Stylus 1: Stigmata numero placentarum. Pericarpium capsulare vel baccatum, loculis polyspermis quandoque incompletis. Embryo minutus, prope umbilicum, inclusus albumine carnoso. Frutices vel Arbores. Folia simplicia, alterna, exstipulata. Flores terminales, vel axillares, quandoque polygami.
  2. Polygaleæ. Calyx 5-ph. raro 5-fid. æstivatione imbricata: sæpius irregularis: foliolis 2 lateralibus interioribus majoribus quandoque petaloideis;