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Seta elongata, fusca, lævis. Capsula æquilatera. Operculum delapsum fuit.

3. L. gracile, foliis ovato-oblongis acutiusculis; pilo simplici folium dimidium æquante, capsulis oblongis æquilateris inclinatis.

Patria. Nova Zelandia.

Statio. Umbrosa humida(?) ad Dusky Bay, Dom. Arch. Menzies.

Desc. Caules subramosi. Folia siccatione adpressa, areolato-punctata. Seta elongata, lævis. Vaginula cylindracea, filis succosis adductoribusque numerosis cincta.

4. L. Menziesii, foliis oblongo-lanceolatis acutis; pilo simplici folio quater breviore, capsulis oblongis inclinatis arcuato-recurvis.

Patria. Americæ Australis Staten-land, ubi anno 1787 detexit Dom. Arch. Menzies, cujus amicitiæ hanc et præcedentem speciem debeo.

Statio. - - - -

Desc. Muscus lætè virens, sesquiuncialis. Caules subsimplices, basi ferrugineo-tomentosi, suprà confertim foliati. Folia erecto-patentia, siccatione adpressa, minutissimè areolata v. punctata. Seta caulem sæpius superans, erecta, fusca, lævis. Capsula subfalcata ad angulum acutum rariusve ferè rectum inclinans.

Obs. The plants which I have referred to this genus are all natives of the southern hemisphere, and in their habit, in which there is something peculiar, strictly agree with each other, and with Bryum macrocarpum of Hedwig. [223 In three of the four species here described, I have had the opportunity of removing the operculum without having been able in any case to observe an external peristomium, which, from the appearance of these plants, might be expected to exist, and which Hedwig has figured in his Bryum macrocarpum. Of this plant I have only seen specimens that had lost the operculum: the mouth of the capsule, however, seemed to be very perfect, and was fur-