CELASTRINÆ.[1] This order comprehends the greater part of the first two sections of the Rhamni of Jussieu; it is obviously different from the more limited order of Rhamneae, which I have already attempted to define, and in many respects so nearly approaches to the Hippocra- [555 ticeæ of Jussieu,[2] that it may be doubted whether they ought not to be united.
In New Holland the Celastrinæ are not numerous, nor do they form any part of its characteristic vegetation; their distribution is somewhat different from that of Rhamneæ, for they are found either in the principal parallel; or within the tropic.
STACKHOUSEÆ.[3] Stackhousia of Dr. Smith,[4] and an unpublished genus, exactly agreeing with it in flower, but remarkably different in fruit, form a small tribe of plants, sufficiently distinct from all the natural orders hitherto established. I have placed it between Celastrinæ and Euphorbiaceæ; to both of which, but especially to the former, it seems to be related in a certain degree.
The Stackhouseæ are peculiar to Terra Australis, and though found chiefly in its principal parallel, extend more sparingly both to the southern extremity of Van Diemen's Island, and to the North coast of New Holland.
- ↑ Celastrinæ. Calyx 4-5-partitus, æstivatione imbricata. Petala 4-5. Stamina totidem, cum petalis alternantia, insertione ambiguè perigyna. Ovarium liberum, 2-4-loculare loculis 1-polyspermis, ovulis erectis (rarò pendulis): Stylus 1-4. Pericarpium capsulare, vel clausum (Baccatum, Drupaceum vel alatum.) Semina in capsularibus arillata. Embryo fere longitudine albuminis carnosi, axilis.
Frutices vel Arbores. Folia simplicia (rarò composita) alterna vel opposita, stipulata stipulis sæpius minutis, quandoque nullis.
- ↑ Annales du mus. 18, p. 480.
- ↑ Stackhouseæ, Calyx 1-ph. 5-fidus, æqualis: tubo ventricoso. Petala 5, æqualia, summo tubo calycis inserta: unguibus cohærentibus in tubum calyce longiorem; laminis angustis stellato-patulis. Stamina 5, distincta, inæqualia (duo alterna breviora), fauci calycis inserta. Ovarium liberum, 3-5-lobum, lobis discretis monospermis, ovulis erectis: Styli 3-5, nunc basi cohærentes: Stigmata indivisa. Pericarpium 3-5-coccum, coccis evalvibus, apteris v. alatis; columna centrali persistenti. Embryo erectus axilis, longitudine fere albuminis carnosi.
Herbæ. Folia simplicia integerrima, sparsa, quandoque minuta: Stipulæ laterales minutissimæ. Spica terminalis; floribus tribracteatis.
- ↑ Linn. soc. transact. 4, p. 218.