parts, before the application of the pollen to the stigma can possibly take place, in many of the plants submitted by him to examination, may easily be ascertained; particularly in Antirrhinum majus, of which he has given a figure in a more advanced state, representing these molecules or particles, which he supposes to have been derived from the grains of pollen, adhering to the stigma.
There are some other points respecting the grains of pollen and their contained particles in which I also differ from M. Brongniart, namely, in his supposition that the particles are not formed in the grain itself, but in the cavity of the anthera; in his assertion respecting the presence of pores on the surface of the grain in its early state, through which the particles formed in the anthera pass into its cavity; and lastly, on the existence of a membrane forming the coat of his boyau or mass of cylindrical form ejected from the grain of pollen.
I reserve, however, my observations on these and several other topics connected with the subject of the present inquiry for the more detailed account, which it is my intention to give.
July 30th, 1828.
About twelve months ago I printed an account of Microscopical Observations made in the summer of 1827, on the Particles contained in the Pollen of Plants; and on the general Existence of active Molecules in Organic and Inorganic Bodies.