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Abelia, resupination of its perfect ovula, 4489

Abyssinia, list of new and rare plants collected in, by H. Salt, Esq., 91; Flora of, has but little affinity to that of the West Coast of Africa, 162

Acacia, reason why the leafless species of, form one of the most striking features of the vegetation of Terra Australis, 23, 62; species found in the interior of New Holland, 339

Acanthaceæ, observations on the species found in the vicinity of the Congo, 134

Acrostichum aureum, identity of African and American specimens, 169

Acrostichum calomelanos and its allies, the fine powder on their under surface entirely composed of simple molecules and their primary fibre-like compounds, 473

Acrostichum velleum,the only Acotyledonous plant in the collection from Central Africa, 303

Adanson, number of plants collected by him in Senegal, 100

Adhesion of the funiculus to the septum as a generic character in Cruciferæ, 262, 268

Æstivation, form of, in Cleome pentaphylla, Crateva and Resedaceæ, 273, 279

Afzelius, Adam, number of species of plants collected by him at Sierra Leone, 101, 152

Africa, Central, observations on plants of, collected by Oudney, Denham, and Clapperton, 257

Agathis, origin of the ovulum in, 458; analogy of male and female organs in, 461

Albumen, how formed, 4512; peculiarities of, in various plants, 452

Alsodeia includes Ceranthera, Passalia, Conohoria, Rinorea, Riana, Passura, Piparea, and Physiphora, probably Pentaloba, and perhaps Lauradia, 1234

Alsodinæ, a section of Violeæ, 123

Amnios, how developed, 451

Amygdaleæ, a distinct order of the class Rosaceæ, 115

Amyrideæ, observations on the order, and on the species found in the vicinity of the Congo, 112

Anona Senegalensis, a very general plant along the whole of the West Coast of Africa, 153

Anonaceæ, Eupomatia referred to, 74; observations on the species found in the vicinity of the Congo, 105

Antheræ and Pistilla, analogy of composition in, 378380 note; proved by the transformation of one into the other in cases of monstrosity, 379 note; differences in vascularity, &c., between the two organs, ibid.

Anthera of Rafflesia, structure of, 377383; principal forms of, in Phænogamous plants, 378381; supposed regular type, 378; principal deviations from. 379381; reduced development in many Labiatæ, in Epacrideæ, Polygaleæ, some genera of Acanthaceæ, Westringia, Anisomeles, and Maranteæ, 380; increased development in many Scitamineæ, Orchideæ, and Laurineæ and in Ægiceras, ibid.; reduced and increased development coexisting in the same organ, as in the greater number of Salviæ, and