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and on its distribution in Terra Australis, 50

Asteranthus, characters of the genus, 388 note.

Astranthus referred to Homalinæ, 120

Atherospermeæ, characters of the order and its distribution in Terra Australis, 25

Australia, Central, plants found in Captain Sturt's expedition into, 313; number of species collected, 315

Avena Forskalii forms a section of the genus Danthonia; its characters, and observations on its structure, 301-2

Averrhoa, its relation to Oxalis determined, 114

Baffin's Bay, list of plants collected on the coasts of, by the officers of Captain Ross's voyage, 175

Balanites Ægyptiaca found in Bornou, 287

Balanophoreæ, objections to their union in the same class with Rafflesiaceæ, 412415

Banana of the banks of the Congo, probably of Asiatic origin, 156; further observations on the native country of the bananas, 156-7

Banks, Sir Joseph, New Holland plants collected by him and contained in his herbarium, 6

Barren stamina in Orchideæ, 48; in Proteaceæ, 81, 83

Bauer, Ferdinand and Francis, their unrivalled talent as botanical painters, 402 note

Bauer, Ferdinand, drawings made by him in New Holland, 3; his drawings of Hydnora Africana, 402

Bauer, Francis, his opinion on the placentation of Mosses, 348; his drawings of Rafflesia Arnoldi, 373, 401, 408, 409; his theory of impregnation in Orchideæ, 496498; his view of the formation of the ovarium in Orchideæ, 561; his drawings of Asclepiadeæ,, and opinion respecting their mode of impregnation, 519, 520, 522 note, 523

Baxter, William, plants collected by, in Western Australia, 338; found Kingia both in flower and fruit, 435

Begonia, a genus which it is perhaps expedient to divide, 150

Begoniaceæ form a distinct natural order, 150

Belvisia, observations on, 388; character of the genus, 388 note

Belviscæ, characters of the order, 38S note

Berberideæ, characters and limits of the order, 124

Beverley, Mr., plants collected by him in Melville Island, 185

Blackwellia referred to Homalinæ, 120

Blighia sapida, undoubtedly introduced into the West Indies from Africa, 161-2

Bonatea speciosa, remarkable for the great development of its lateral stigmata, 503, 504; origin, production, growth and function of pollen tubes in, 537540; viscidity of retinaculum in, 538

Boragineæ, species in the collection from Central Africa, 297

Bragantia referrible to Asarinæ, 385; a new species of, discovered in Java by Dr. Horsfield, 385

Brass, William, number of species collected by him in the neighbourhood of Cape Coast, 101

Brongniart, Adolphe, his observations on the size, form, and motion of particles from the grains of pollen, 478-9; his observations on the fecundation of Orchideæ and Asclepiadeæ, 541-2

Brown, Mr., the companion of Captain Sturt, plants collected by him in Central Australia, 315

Brugmansia, Dr. Blume's account of the genus, 402; its characters, 427

Bulb-like seeds of certain liliaceous plants, their structure and economy, 364-5, 450.

Burton, David, plants collected by him in New South Wales, 6

Butomeæ, arrangement of ovula on the carpels of, 379 note, 555

Buttneriaceæ. characters of the order