1. J. scoparia, arborescens inermis, ramulis angulatis, race mis terminalibus. Brown mss.
Nat. of New South Wales. Robert Brown. ^ .
2. J. spinosa, fruticosa, ramulis spinescentibus di-tricho- tomis patulis angulatis, bracteis apicis pedicelli appressis brevissimis. Brown mss.
Gompholobium spinosum. Labill. nov. holl. 1, p. 107, t 136.
Nat. of the South-west coast of New Holland. f? .
Smith in annals of hot. I, p. 507. Brown mss.
Cat. 5-dentatus, angulatus. Cor. papilionacea. Stylus capillaris, germine dispermo aliquoties longior. Stigma simplex. Legumen evalve, ovatum. Strophiola seminis nulla.
1. V. denudata, Smith exot. hot. t. 27. Linn. soc. transact. 9, p. 261.
Daviesia denudata. Venten. choix t. 6.
Sophora juncea. Schrad. sert. hanov. t. 3.
Nat. of New Holland and Van Diemen's Island. J? .
Smith in annals of hot. 1, p. 509. Brown mss.
Cat. 5-fidus, bilabiatus. Cor. papilionacea. Stylus dblm apice hinc membrana auctus, inde imberbis. Stigma ter- minals Legumen sphsericum.
1. S. vimineum, calycis tubo labiis paulo breviore, stylo incluso a basi arcuato, corollis flavis. Brown mss.
Sphserolobium vimineum. Smith in linn. soc. transact. 9, p. 261. Botan. magaz. 969.
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