��Zieria Smithii, Bot. Repos., No. 006. Zieria lanceolata, Broion in Herb. Banks.
Bot. Mag. 1395 (1811).
Lilhoynia parvifo/ia, Brown in Herb. Banks.
Bot. Mag. 1527 (1813).
Labellum ecalcaratuin, indivisum, bicristatum, sessile, cum basi columnge apterae liberae continuum. Petala 2 antica exteriorum connata, labello supposita. Massce pollinis 2, hinc sulco obliquo bilobag, apice connexac pro- cessu communi stigmatis. Brown MSS.
Gomeza recurva, Brown MSS.
We are indebted to our friend, Robert Brown, Esq., for generic character and name, given to it in honour of Ber- nardinus Antonius Gomez, Physician to the Portuguese fleet, and author of Botanico- Medical Observations on the plants of Brazil, a very respectable work, written in the Latin and Portuguese languages.
Bot Mag. 1748 (IS 15).
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