bracteisque villosis. Calyx quadritidus. Stylus glaber. Stigma oblongo-clavatum. An hujus generis?
Atyli species. Salisb. Farad.
Gen. Char. Calyx quadrifidus, totus simul deciduus. Stylus basi persistenti. Stigma fusiforme, apice attenuate Squamulte nullse hypogynse. Strobilus ovatus. Nux len- ticularis, hinc comosa, v. Samara basi barbata.
Habitus. Frutices rigidi. Folia glabra, varia, filiformia v. plana, indivisa, lobata v. pinnatifida, quandoaue in eodem frutice diver siformia. Amenta ovata v. oblonga, terminalia et axillaria, nunc aggregata. Genus, posthac, speciebus increscentibus, dividendum, phalangibus infra propositis [68 genera futura indicantibus,
Etym. ritrpoc et (j>i\E(i). Hi frutices enim semper in saxosis apricis proven runt.
Obs. Mr. Salisbury has united such of the New Hol- land Protese as he had seen, into one genus, which he calls Atylus ; a name meant to express the want of those bodies that usually surround the ovarium, in this order, and which he chooses to term colli : but as I conceive they are certainly secreting organs, the name on this ground would be ex- ceptionable : my chief reason however for not adopting it, either for the present or the following genus, is, that the whole of his essential character does not apply to either of them. In his secondary character he has also considered them as monoicous, a mistake into which he has probably been led, not only from the striking similarity between the strobili of Petrojjkila and Leucadendron, but also from the style of the former remaining for some time unwithered after the calyx has fallen off. In one species he has even described the relative situation of the sexes ; regarding the terminating amentum of P. pidchella as female, and the lesser ones, which frequently though not always surround
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