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��" In the preparation of the following notices, I have derived most essential assistance in almost every article, from the information of Mr. Robert Brown ; without that aid the account would have wanted those elucidations and explanations which his profound knowledge and research alone could supply, and which has given interest to some of the subjects far beyond what I anticipated or hoped for, before I obtained his promise of co-operation." J. Sabine, " Account of the Edible Fruits of Sierra Leone," in the 'Transactions of the Horticultural Society/ vol. v, p. 441, London, 1824.

Anisophyll^ea, Brown MSS. } ibid., p. 446. Metis Brassii, Brown MSS., ibid., p. 448. Carpodinus, Brown MSS., ibid., p. 455.

" The specimens [of Roy a] which T have had the oppor- tunity of examining, afford evidence of the existence of three hitherto undescribed species. The first is a native of the more northern part of New South Wales, with leaves varying from elliptic to obovate ; this is in the Herbarium of Mr. Robert Brown, and is named by him Hoya australis, it having been referred by him in his ' Prodromus Florae Novae Hollandise/ vol. i, p. 460, with a doubt, to H. carnosa. The second is also in the same collection, and comes from the Nicobar Islands ; it has beautiful globose

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