in the Isle of Wight agreed in having an elliptical outline, unaccompanied with any inequality in the woody ellipsis, and also in having a bud in the axilla of each leaf; in these respects differing from the Cycddites of the Isle of Portland, and from all the recent species of Cycadece with which we are acquainted, which have a circular outline and only scattered buds. — Proc. Linn. Soc, ii, p. 130 (May 6,1851).
Having, in examining the Himalayan species of Incar- villea, observed some appearances not mentioned in, or at variance with, the descriptions of that genus by Jussieu and Lamarck, I was induced to ask the opinion of the highest authority on the subject, and Mr. Brown has been good enough to favour me with his opinion that the Hima- layan species are too closely allied to be separated into a genus distinct from the Chinese Incarvillea, but are yet sufficiently distinguished to constitute a sub-genns. He has been good enough to enrich my work with the cha- racter of this, and an amendment of the genus Incarvillea.
Incarvillea. Juss. Gen. 138.
" Calyx 5-dentatus, nunc 10-dentatus, [dentibus] alternis (accessoriis) membranaceis. Corolla fauce ventricosa ; limbo 5-lobo insequali. Stamina antherifera quatuor, didynama, inclusa. Anther a lobis distinctis apice convergentibus, singulis infra apicem processu subulato munitis ! Stigma bilamellosum. Capsula siliquseformis, bilocularis, bivalvis ; septo contrario libero intra marginem seminifero. Semina suspensa (v. membranaceo-marginata v. comosa), radicula super a.
"Herbse alternifoliee foliis pinnatis bipinnatifidisve; race mi terminalis longi pedicellis tribracteatis. Rudimentum fila- menti quinti (primmn in Amphicome detectum aD. Royle). Genus Bignoniaceis adjiciendum, in sectione tamen propria ob habituin et semina pendula, radicula supera (v. Prodr.
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