��in Dipsacese, 277-8 ; in B opidea?, 316 lodes, affinities of the genus, 651-2
Jacaranda, observations on the genus and on its species, 670-1
Juncese, order of reduction of sta- mina in, 278
Kingia Australis, notice of the struc- ture of its stem, 724
Lagasca, nature of capitulum of, 374-5
Lambertia, inflorescence of, and order of reduction of the flowers of, 280-1
Leguminosse, genera et species quse- dam quae in horto Kewensi coluntur, 417—447
Leontopodium, establishment of the genus, 302
Leptostomum, observations on the genus, 341 — 349 ; reasons for re- taining it, 342-3
Leucadendron, reasons for differing from Salisbury on the application of the Linnean name, 29 — 31; history of the genus, ibid. ; obser- vations on the separation of sexes in, 40-1
Liliacese, order of reduction of stamina in, 178
Limnanthus, characters and descrip- tion of, 361-364
Limnantheae, establishment of the family, 363; characters, 364
Linnean System of Botany, advan- tages derived from the, 5
Lobeliacese, aestivation of corolla in, 269 note
Lyellia, characters and description of, a new genus of mosses, &c, 329 — 356 ; characters of the genus, 332 — 334 ; structure of its columella, and mode of dispersion of its seeds, 335 ; use of the pores at the base of its capsule, ibid. ; its position in the family, 336
Mantell, Dr., note on Carpolithes Smithise, in his paper on 'Fruits from the Cretaceous Hocks,' 723
Melampodium, history and synonymy of the genus, 284-5
Metalasia, establishment of the genus, 302
��Meyera, history and synonymy of the
genus, 2S3-4 Mirbel, names of species of Coniferee
contributed to his ' Essai,' 706 Morris, Prof., notice of Stigmaria, in
his paper ' On the Geology of Coal- brook Dale,' 721 -723 Mosses, necessity of additional sources
of distinction in the genera of, 345 ;
nature of some of these sources,
346 Murchison, Sir R. I., note on a fossil
leaf, in his paper on (Eningen fossils,
719 Myrtaceoe, genera et species quaedam
quae in horto Kewensi coluntur,
Nepenthes, its place in the natural series, 358 : distinctions between Cytineae and, ibid. ; its spiral ves- sels, ibid.
Newbould, Lieut., notice of fossil wood from Egypt, in his paper on the subject, 723
Nivenia, reasons for changing Salis- bury's generic name, 110
Orchidese, structure of anthera in, 6, 9 ; genera et species quae in horto Kewensi coluntur, 471 — 499
Ovarium, utility of ascertaining its internal condition before fecunda- tion, 5 ; steadily kept in view by A. du Petit-Thouars, ibid. ; its im- portance in Proteacese, 19, 20 ; its structure in Composite, 270
Ovula, importance of their insertion as well as number, 20 ; insertion, direction, and relation to ovarium, 313
Ozothamnus, characters of and obser- vations on the genus, 303 — 304
Peristomium of mosses, observations on the, 346 — 349 ; of Buxbaumia, 350-1
Petit-Thouars, Aubert du, almost the only botanist who has steadily kept in view the internal condition of the ovarium before fecundation, 5
Petrophila, observations on the sexes in the genus, 55, 56
Phytocrenea?, characters of the family
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