��names Protea and Leucadendron, 24 — 31 : characters and descrip- tions of the order, its genera and species, 32 — 192 ; type of the pistillum, and its reductions in, 272
��Radicula, its direction in Proteaceae uniformly pointing; towards the base of the fruit, 20, 23, 24 ; relation of its direction to ovulum and to ovary, 313-4
Rafflesia, all the three known species shown to be dieecious, 724
Restiaceae, order of reduction of sta- mina in, 278
Richard, Achille, names of species of Hydrocotyle, contributed to his ' Monographie,' 706
Richard, Louis Claude, names of species of Coniferae, contributed to his ' Commentatio,' 707
Richardson, Dr., extracts from his botanical appendix to the narrative of a journey to the shores of the Polar Sea, by Captain Franklin, and addenda, 511—527
Royle, Dr., observations on Incar- villea, from his 'Botany of the Himalayan Mountains,' 725
Rubiaceee, difficulty of circumscribing the order, 195 ; aestivation of corolla in, 269 note
��Sabine, Joseph, contributions to his
- Account of the Edible Fruits of
Sierra Leone,' 715
Sarcostigma, affinities of the genus, 651-2
Scabiosa, inflorescence of certain spe- cies of, 278 ; order of expansion of flowers in, ibid.
Seeds, non-existence of naked, 21 ; dispersion of, in Polytrichoideae, how secured, 335, 340-1
Sexes, in the separation of, in flowers, the female the more perfect, 279 ; and the earliest developed, ibid. ; exceptions to, 279, 280
Solander, Dr., his description of Knightia given as a specimen of the accuracy with which he described specimens of natural history, 163
��Soliva, history, characters, and extent of the genus, 282
Spike, order of expansion of flowers in a simple and in a compound, 273
Spiral vessels of Nepenthes, 358-9
Stamina and pistilla, importance of attending to their state before the expansion of the flower, 5 ; order of reduction of stamina in various families, 278 ; order of development of stamina and pistilla, 281 ; origin of glandular disk in various families from inperfect stamina, 317-8; ob- jections to this view, ibid.
Sterculiaceae, history of the family, 613 — 621 ; observations on the relative importance of the differ- ent organs in the formation of genera in, 621 — 624; direction of embryo in, 621 ; monograph of, 611 —644 _
Stigma, in Proteacese, its form and direction, 20, 21 ; in Asclepiadeae, its development, 196 — 198 ; dispo- sition of stigmata in Compositae, 270 ; nature of the indusium iu Brunonia and Goodenoviae, 312
Stokes, Mr. Charles, notice on partly petrified wood, in his paper on the subject, 720
Style, its utility in the generic cha- racters of Proteaceae, 20 ; cohe- rence of its base with the apex of the tube of the calyx in Boopi- deze, 315
Stylideae, position of stamina in, 312
��Tiliaceae, gradually pass into Butt-
neriaceae, 646 Traill, contributions to his 'Account
of the genus Hoya,' 715-6 Tridax, history of the genus, 283
��Umbelliferae, surface of the pericar- pium in, 267 note ; order of expan- sion of flowers in, 273 note
Vestia referred to Solaneae, 683
TVallich, Dr., account of a new sub- genus and species of Hedychium,
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