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The Third Part of
My Vengeance on this Foppery I’ll throw;And an Hour’s faſting on the Work bſstow.This done at once we’ll break our Faſt, and Dine,And two fair Meals with both their Portions join,By this inſpir’d, the haughty Champions goWith an audacious Zeal to charge the Foe.The Walls vain aid to the poor Engine lent,The Nails in vain their Iron Fingers bent;The Champions vanquiſh’d all Reſiſtance round,The batter’d Engine fell with many a Wound.Antichriſt never had ſuch dreadful Blows,From mighty Prieſts who were his bitter Foes.For as this Pulpit was, he’s wondrous high,A great Uſurper of Church Vanity.Therefore have many rail’d at him aloud,He will let no Man but himſelf be proud.Now the Dean’s State of late ſo high and great,Once more is in a Sea of Darkness ſet.
The End of the Third Part.
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