Page:Miser and the prodigal, a moral tale.pdf/7

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Till park, an' park, he sell’t it a' thegither.
'Mang mony a plan, at length he hit the nailer—
Gaed to the town, an' turn'd a spirit-dealer:
Here, for some time, he did enjoy his wish,
He sell’d, an' drank himsel', like ony fish;
But scarce o cash again, he forg'd a bill,
An' smuggld whisky, and did muckle ill.
For Justice fear'd, that harden'd vile offender
Turn'd bankrupt, fled, an' gaed aboard the Tender.
Reader, remind my tale, with deep concern:
From such examples useful wisdom learn.[1]
While misers starve amidst their stores of wealth,
And drunkards waste their riches and their health,
Strive thou, with prudence, both extremes to shun—
Distant from both, a happy medium run.
What Heaven bestows, with thankfulness receive,
With Reason take, and taste, enjoy, and live.

  1. My design in writing and publishing the foregoing tale, is not merely to raise a laugh at the follies and sufferings of erring men, but to delineate the evil of covetousness on the one hand, and prodigality on the other; and warn people from running into extremes of every kind: for it is only in the way of receiving with thankfulness, and using in moderation, the gifts of Providence, that we can be useful and happy through life, and terminate our days with honour and safety.