Page:Modern Greece.pdf/51

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Gaze on yon forms, corroded and defaced—
Yet there the germ of future glory lies!
Their virtual grandeur could not be erased,
It clothes them still, though veil'd from common eyes.
They once were gods and heroes42[1]—and beheld
As the blest guardians of their native scene;
And hearts of warriors, sages, bards, have swell'd
With awe that own'd their sovereignty of mien.
—Ages have vanish'd since those hearts were cold,

And still those shattered forms retain their godlike mould.


Midst their bright kindred, from their marble throne,
They have look'd down on thousand storms of time;
Surviving power, and fame, and freedom flown,
They still remain'd, still tranquilly sublime!
Till mortal hands the heavenly conclave marr'd.
Th' Olympian groups have sunk, and are forgot;
Not e'en their dust could weeping Athens guard—
—But these were destined to a nobler lot!
And they have borne, to light another land,

The quenchless ray that soon shall gloriously expand.