Page:Modern Hyderabad (Deccan).djvu/101

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but one which can be applied to a purpose which in India is of overwhelming importance in irrigation. It will not come in my time, but I sincerely hope that His Highness who is young and by God's blessing strong and vigorous, will some day complete the whole scheme which he is now here to inaugurate. (Applause.)

"Mention has been made of the officers to whom this work is chiefly due, but above all Hyderabad must thank the Nizam. It would be presumptuous to make more than a passing reference to the insight and decision of character which prompted him to sanction such an undertaking as one of the first very important actions of his reign. This reservoir is, by permission, Your Highness, to be called by your name. I beg you with this trowel to lay the first stone of the Osman Saugar." (Prolonged applause.)

H. H. the Nizam, speaking in Urdu, then said : — "The Hon'ble Colonel Pinhey, the Prime Minister and those present, — Last Sunday I saw in the papers that His Imperial Majesty the King-Emperor personally laid the foundation stone of a reservoir in his capital, London. For this reason I am very glad that I have also the opportunity of