Page:Modern Hyderabad (Deccan).djvu/120

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and surgeons, and during 1320-1312 Fasli (1910-1912 A.D.), fourteen students passed out of it, five as Assistant Surgeons, and nine as Sub- Assistant Surgeons.

The Yunani (native treatment) branch of the Medical Department has its own medical school, and it is said that the training given there includes Misri (Egyptian) treatment. The Yunani dispensaries in the districts have increased of late, but no statistics as to the number of people treated in these places are available. Such dispensaries are in the districts largely supported by local funds, and receive a little help from the government.

The Lunatic Asylum is in the Hyderabad Central Jail, and during 1320-1321 Fasli (1910-1912 A.D.), 284 lunatics were there; and it is said that about 383 per cent, of the cases of insanity in the State are caused by an excessive use of narcotics.

Of the sanitary department, organised since 1912, no report has as yet been published by His Highness's government.