Page:Modern Hyderabad (Deccan).djvu/14

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those courteous and highly-cultivated Maho-medan gentlemen who seem to take a pleasure in helping the English visitor to form and carry away a pleasant and romantic impression of the capital of His Highness the Nizam's Dominions.

H. H. Mir Mahabub Ali Khan was then living, and I heard that he was a very small man, but one who had "a kingly presence and a regal eye." He wrote poetry, he was a great shikari, he had a kind heart, and he was generous to a fault. In his principal palace, which covered miles of the heart of the city, he had entertained King George and Queen Mary when Their Majesties visited India as Prince and Princess of Wales. He was the son of "Our Faithful Ally"; he had volunteered to take the field in person when a Russian scare had made the Government of India nervous; and, by the offer of a princely gift for the defence of the Frontier, he had brought the Imperial Service troops into existence. He was India's Premier Prince, the first of those ruling chiefs who make Great Britain an Empire.

His Highness the late Nizam I did not see. But H. H. Mir Osman Ali Khan Bahadur, the present ruler of Hyderabad, I saw several