Page:Modern Hyderabad (Deccan).djvu/59

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later he was selected as a member of the Universities Commission, which had for its object "an attempt to discover a remedy for the evils that had arisen in British India from grafting a Western education upon an Eastern people." He was then chosen by Lord Curzon to serve on the Imperial Legislative Council, and in 1907 he was appointed the first Mahomedan Member of the Council of the Secretary of State for India. In 1908 he was made a Companion of the Star of India, and it was believed that he would do much good for his co-religionists in London. But the English climate did not suit his health and he returned to Hyderabad, where, after the sad and unexpected death of H. H. Mir Mahabub Ali Khan, he was appointed Special Adviser to H. E. the Minister, Nawab Salar Jung Bahadur III, a position he held until his retirement on the 20th of July, 1914.

Nawab Imud-ul-Mulk Bahadur is by nature and inclination a scholar. He prefers a simple and retired life. But has never failed to come forward when needed and to give his time, talents, and great experience to H. H. the Nizam and to the people of his adopted land. To-day he is busy with his