Page:Modern Hyderabad (Deccan).djvu/63

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revenue, judicial, public works, and military secretariats.

The Cabinet Council. In 1893 A.D. the consultative body known as the Cabinet Council was added to the institutions of the State. Its President is the Minister, and its members are the assistant ministers. This Council was formed chiefly to assist and advise the Minister in matters of State administration, and it lies in his discretion to refer to it for deliberation any proposal upon which he desires the Council's advice. Also, any assistant minister has the right of asking that any proposal of his may be laid before the Cabinet Council, though the Minister has the right of refusal, subject to His Highness's final commands.

In addition, certain classes of business have been specially reserved for the consideration of the Council, such as the annual State Budget of accounts, final disposal of cases for the report on which special commissions have been appointed, questions relating to State concessions, and important questions arising out of the proceedings of the Legislative Council, and any other matters which from time to time are declared fit subjects for the Council's deliberations.